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Home » Bandgladesh believs US to mobilize pressure on Myanmar to end Rohingya crisis

Bandgladesh believs US to mobilize pressure on Myanmar to end Rohingya crisis


Washington, D.C, (28 October) :  Atlantic Council, a leading think tank based in Washington DC, in partnership with Bangladesh Embassy in Washington DC, hosted a webinar titled “A new Bhashan Char agreement: What now for the Rohingya in Bangladesh” yesterday. Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center featured Ambassador of Bangladesh to the USA, M. Shahidul Islam, who delivered a keynote speech on the theme of the event and participated in a question-and-answer session. Senior Director of Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center Irfan Nooruddin gave an introductory remark.

Ambassador M Shahidul Islam appreciated the role of the United States in mitigating humanitarian needs. He also sought more support from the USA in resolving the Rohingya crisis. He said, Bangladesh believes that the United States can do more to mobilize international pressure on Myanmar to end the Rohingya crisis. The United States can persuade its friends in ASEAN and QUAD to distance themselves from the Myanmar military forces so that they refrain from culpability in the genocide. The United States may bring the Rohingya issue on the G-7 Summit agenda to show the strong resolve of the international community for solution of the Rohingya crisis. The United States may cancel all types of preferential treatment, including GSP facilities enjoyed by Myanmar. Apart from reintroducing all pre-2016 sanctions, entities involved in trade with Myanmar need to be discouraged from engaging with Myanmar. The United States can also speed up determination of genocide and crimes against humanity against the Rohingya as promised earlier.

There is nothing inherently wrong with any religion, race, or nationality; the problem emanates when these identities are used to generate malice and hatred for political or economic reasons,” the Ambasador added he called upon the international community to bring the traders of malice to justice if to establish a rule-based international order.

Bangladesh Ambassador categorically mentioned that whatever political developments take place in Myanmar, the Rohingya crisis has to be resolved by Myanmar as they have created the crisis. He added that Myanmar cannot be absolved from the responsibility whatever form of Government runs the country.

The discussants recalled with gratitude the generosity of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in sheltering the survivors of mass atrocities and saving their lives. The Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center expressed gratefulness to Bangladesh Ambassador for being willing to engage in the conversation.


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